
This chapter describes how to build something with OE-lite, fx. how to build a specific OE-lite recipe, a Linux kernel image, a JFFS2 root filesystem image, an SDK toolchain image, and so on.

Building is done with the OE-lite Bakery sub-command called “bake”.

Before building you need to setup the build configuration in the file conf/local.conf.

A very minimal example configuration purely to test that building works:

DISTRO = "base"
MACHINE_CPU = "arm-926ejs"
PROVIDED = "all"
SDK_CPU = "i686"
SDK_OS = "linux-gnu"
RMWORK = "0"

The DISTRO variable selects the OE-lite distribution. Here we choose a simple distribution called base to be able to build something. Next we set the cpu we want to cross compile for using MACHINE_CPU. It is also possible to set MACHINE to target a specific board e.g. pandaboard or rpi (raspberry-pi).


To set MACHINE="rpi" you will need the raspberry-pi manifest from

The PROVIDED variable is used to inform the bake command what dependencies can be assumed to be provided on the host system. See conf/provided/all.conf in the core metadata layer. The SDK variables are used to specify what architecture the OE-lite SDK should be build for. RMWORK currently need to be set to 0 since automatic removal of temporary build files is not implemented. Optionally you may want to set PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j X" where X is the number of CPUs available on your host system + 1, to speed up the build.

Now it is possible to choose something to build with the bake command. In OE-lite all recipes can be build. A recipe is a file with the .oe file extension, take a look at what recipes you have in your current manifest using:

find . -name '*.oe'

The primary goal of the building process in OE-lite is to produce deployable images, so for this example we will build an image. In the base metadata layer a rootfs image recipe is located in: recipes/images which we can try building:

oe bake base-rootfs

oe will resolve the list of dependencies, present you with a list of what needs to be built and ask for confirmation before continuing. The build process takes a while, but in the end you should see that base-rootfs was build and the elapsed build time. The deployable images are now located in tmp/images