Project Setup

This chapter describes how to setup a new OE-lite project, ie. the creation of a new OE-lite manifest and setup of an OE-lite repository for it.

From Scratch

To create a new OE-lite manifest from scratch, all you need to do is:

  1. Create an empty directory.
  2. Create a conf/bakery.conf file.
  3. Run oe init.
  4. Convert layers to be of internal layer type.

Bakery.conf from scratch

The bakery.conf follows the OE-lite metadata syntax, or rather a subset of it. The primary purpose is to assign a value to the variable called OESTACK, which defines the OE-lite stack .

An OE-lite stack is composed of a number of OE-lite layers, with each layer typically being a seperate git repository.

A small OE-lite stack could look like this:

# OE-lite/base
OESTACK += "meta/base"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"
OESTACK .= ";branch=master"

# OE-lite/core
OESTACK += "meta/core"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"
OESTACK .= ";branch=master"

OESTACK += "lib/fetching/fetching"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"
OESTACK .= ";pythonpath=.."

OESTACK += "lib/GitPython"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"
OESTACK .= ";pythonpath="

OESTACK += "lib/urlgrabber"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"
OESTACK .= ";pythonpath="

The example above uses two different append assignment operators: “+=” and ”.=”. The “+=” operator adds an extra space before appending the value whereas the ”.=” operator just appends the value. The two expressions:

HELLO += “world” HELLO .= ” world”

are the same.

The resulting OESTACK variable is thus a space separated list of layers. Each layer is specified by a path and a number of parameters, separated by ”;”.


Add reference to the OE-lite Bakery Manual for full documentation on the bakery.conf syntax here, when it is actually written…

After the oe init command is done, the my-bsp directory should be populated with the following structure:

├── conf
│   └── bakery.conf
├── lib
│   ├── fetching
│   ├── GitPython
│   └── urlgrabber
└── meta
    ├── base
    └── core

and all the layers should be cloned from their upstream origin.

Example (for the copy-and-paste hungry):

mkdir my-bsp
cd my-bsp
mkdir conf
emacs conf/bakery.conf
oe init

At this point, you should create the initial git commit of your brand new OE-lite manifest:

git add conf/bakery.conf
git commit -s -m "Initial commit"

You are now (almost) ready to build something. To try this, see chapter Building for how to build.

Of-course, you might want to add some more metadata layers, and probably add your own machine and/or distro configurations and even some custom recipes, fx. a recipe for building a custom rootfs image. But that is a different story…

External Layers

Let’s say you are creating an OE-lite manifest for your embedded Linux BSP project. You of-course need to use OE-lite/core, and the simplest solution is to just add it to the STACK by adding the following to bakery.conf:

OESTACK += "meta/core"
OESTACK .= ";srcuri=git://"

With this, users of your manifest will get an OE-lite/core layer at meta/core, using a clone from the git:// repository.

While this is definitely a lean and simple approach, it does come with a few drawbacks.

  1. You will not be able to create any commits, tags or branches to the OE-lite/core layer.
  2. When cloning the OE-lite repository, you depend on both the server hosting the manifest repository and the server.

See also appendix OE-lite Terminology for definition of internal layer.

Internal Layers

For each layer you have added to the OE-lite stack as an external layer, you should consider to convert it to be an internal layer to address the problems with external layers described above. See appendix OE-lite Terminology for definition of internal layer.

By converting all external layers to internal layers, and thus having a manifest consisting of only embedded and internal layers, you will have a number of advantages:

  1. When creating a clone of the OE-lite repository, you will only have to fetch from your project OE-lite repository.
  2. You will be able to create backup/redundant copies of your entire OE-lite repository using a single command.
  3. You will be able to switch back and forth between different copies of your OE-lite repository without making any changes to the OE-lite manifest.
  4. You will be able to make complete from local clones of your OE-lite repository, without depending on any remote repositories.

For each layer you want to convert from external layer to internal layer, you have to do the following:

  1. Remove the srcuri parameter for the layer in conf/bakery.conf
  2. Change the url entry of the layer submodule in .gitmodules to the path relative to the containing git super project. Fx. the relative path of meta/core contained in the manifest repository is ./meta/core, and the relative path of lib/GitPython/git/ext/async contained in the lib/GitPython submodule is ./git/ext/async .

When done, run oe update and commit the changes in conf/bakery.conf and .gitmodules files.

From Template


Repository Setup

This section describes how to setup an OE-lite repository, suitable for hosting as a remote repository. Details on how to setup hosting is out of scope of this section.

To setup an OE-lite repository of an existing OE-lite manifest, all you need to do is to call:

oe clone --bare <url> <path>


OE-lite Bakery version 4.1 or newer is required for this.

This will create a new (bare) OE-lite repository clone of <url> at the local directory <path>. The <url> argument can be any valid git URL (see link:See git[git clone documentation] for more on this). This even includes a local path to an OE-lite manifest repository, which is handy for setting up the first OE-lite repository right after creation of a new OE-lite manifest.

All internal layers will be cloned (recursively) together with the manifest repository. Any other git submodules (ie. git submodules with absolute url’s or relative paths different from the path relative to the git super project) will not be cloned.