Source Mirrors

OE-lite provides means for setting up and maintaining mirrors of external sources used in builds.

This is useful for ensuring that OE-lite builds are not affected by 3rd party sources being removed from their original location on the Internet. It can also be used for redirecting all fetches from the Internet to a local server (or filesystem), making OE-lite work in closed networks or without any network connection at all.


To setup an OE-lite source mirror, you must use OE-lite/core 3.2.0 or newer.

The filesystem path to the source mirror must be specified, fx. in your local.conf file. Fx.

MIRRORDIR = "/local/mirror"

The mirror class

An OE-lite source mirror is both created and maintained with the help of the OE-lite mirror task. The mirror task will add any sources required by the recipe which is not already present in the mirror, and will fail if a file conflict occurs.

There is also an mirrorall task, which recursively causes the mirror task to be run for all recipes that the recipe depends on (both build and run-time dependencies).

The mirror and mirrorall tasks are implemented in the classes/mirror.oeclass file in OE-lite/core.

The MIRRORDIR directory will be created if it does not exist.

Creating and maintaining a source mirror

As the source mirror is maintained with the help of the mirror and mirrorall tasks, you need to configure your local.conf for the MACHINE and SDK configuration options required for your mirror.

For each configuration, you must run the mirrorall task on the required top-level recipes (or world or universe, if you want really everything in your mirror).


oe bake -t mirrorall kernel my-rootfs my-sdk


oe bake -t mirrorall universe

After having run this on all the required configurations, your source mirror in MIRRORDIR will be up-to-date with all sources required for the current OE-lite checkout and the configurations used.

Synchronizing mirror directory to remote server

The mirror will be created (and maintained) in a directory on the machine running OE-lite. To maintain a mirror on a remote server, you could use the rsync command (requires ssh login access to server, and rsync command on the server):

The following command will synchronize the /local/mirror directory to the /mirror directory on the server (myserver):

rsync -av /local/mirror/ myserver:/mirror/

Build from source mirror

To use the OE-lite source mirror, the MIRRORS and PREMIRRORS variables must be modified.

If you only want to fall-back to using the source mirror, and thus always try to fetch from the original source first, you should change the MIRRORS variable to something like

http://.*/ http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/
ftp://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/
git://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/git//
svn://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/svn//

If you want to use the source mirror first, and only fall-back to trying the orignial source in case fetching from the source mirror fails, you should change the PREMIRRORS variable to something like

http://.*/ http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/
ftp://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/
git://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/git//
svn://.*/  http://myserver/mirror/${INGREDIENTS_SUBDIR}/svn//

Both of the configurations above assumes that your “myserver” is running an HTTP server, and is hosting the /mirror directory on the http://myserver/mirror URL.

If you only want to allow fetching from the source mirror, and thus forbid fetching from any other remote server, you can use the URL_WHITELIST variable. In addition to the MIRRORS and/or PREMIRRORS variables, you could add something like

URL_WHITELIST = "http://myserver/mirror"